Day 4 - Wednesday, Sept 27 - Tulsa, OK to Roswell, NM

Starting mileage:  1448 Starting time: 7:30 am
Ending mileage: 2030 Ending time: 4:30 pm
Travel mileage:  582 Travel time: 9:00 hours

After two days of hot and sunny weather, we woke up to light rain and cooler temperatures this morning. It varied from 58 to 64 degrees - I should have checked the temperature before putting on shorts and a t-shirt.😃

The commentators on Fox News were bemoaning the failure of the GOP health care bill - we were relieved although the GOP may still try to kill ObamaCare without a replacement.

The drive from Tulsa to Oklahoma City was pretty bad. It was "white knuckle" driving with heavy rain and poor visibility due to all the truck traffic splashing up water with the traffic moving along at 70 mph. After Oklahoma City the rain subsided and the driving wasn't too bad.

After deciding yesterday to visit Carlsbad caverns, we looked at the map and seeing Roswell, NM not far away, we decide to stay there for the night.

As we traveled from Oklahoma to Texas and New Mexico, the terrain turned from rolling wooded hills to very flat open ranchland and farms. There were large fields of corn and sorghum. We saw some other fields that we couldn't identify - we thought it might be cotton but then passed a peanut processing plant and thought it might be peanuts. We didn't stop to take a closer look.

Approaching Amarillo there was a huge complex of wind turbines that stretched as far as the eye could see along both sides of the highway. Texas is the largest producer of wind energy in the country.

Carmen saw two tarantulas crossing the road - it is amazing that they are big enough to see while driving.

Our first stop in Roswell was at a very nice visitor where we got information about what to do in Roswell and met the friends pictured below.

Our new friends


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