Day 30 - Monday, Oct 23 - Mitchell, SD to Lansing, IL

Starting mileage: 7847 Starting time: 8:00 am
Ending mileage: 8541 Ending time: 6:30 pm
Travel mileage:  694 Travel time: 10:30 hours

A lot warmer when we got up this morning, 54 degrees vs freezing yesterday morning.

As we got to the Missouri River along the eastern edge of South Dakota, we started to see maple trees with fall foliage that we are familiar with.

The land we could see along the highway became predominantly agricultural, with mainly corn and wheat or oats - hard to tell which at 80 mph.

I think part of the mystery about the gas mileage higher at higher elevation has to do with the gas not having ethanol. When we were in Wall, SD, we had to double-take that regular gas was $2.75 while premium gas was $2.45. It turns out the more expensive "regular" gas was without ethanol while the "premium" gas had no ethanol.

A long day of driving today, only stopping for food and bathroom breaks.

Day 30 route


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