Days 14 - 21, Oct 7 - 14, In San Diego

Spending more time with the girls. Shopping, building Ikea furniture and hanging things up.

On Saturday, we all went up to Julian, CA. Julian was the largest gold producing area of southern California from 1869 to 1890. The buildings along the main street have been restored to what they would have looked like during the gold mining era although the actual shops have mostly things for tourists. It is an exceptionally popular place for people from San Diego to visit due to its quaint character and cooler temperatures. We couldn't believe all the cars and we drove all over town trying to find a parking space until we finally found one of the last spots in the paid parking lot.

We had lunch at Carmen's Garden and had a great view of people and traffic moving through town. There was some kind of exotic car tour and we watched at least 20 Porsche, 6 Lamborgini and 6 racing Audi go by. We also saw 3 fire trucks go by which wasn't a good sign as it was very dry. Along the sidewalk were the largest Rosemary bushes we had ever seen, fairly large shrubs.

The girls also bought a strawberry-rhubarb pie, a slice of pecan pie and an apple dumpling from Mom's Pie Company in Julian. This is world famous and one of the reasons people visit Julian. The line was correspondingly impressive - there must have been over 200 people in line and it stretched half way down the block. The girls waited in line while we went to the historical museum.

On the way back down we saw smoke ahead of us and came upon a fire that wasn't there when we came up the same route and had burned from right next to the woods quite a way up the hill. There were several fire trucks, dozens of trucks and many fire fighters working to put out the fire. We saw a helicopter dropping water on the fire, coming down quite low in order to hit the needed spots. The helicopter then flew off to a nearby lake to fill up with water again.

Amy and Farrah chasing the surf at Coronado dog beach

Amy and Farrah on patio

Helicopter dropping water on fire

Fire right next to road

Antique hair curler

Lunch in Julian


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